Joan Valentina Dueñas Riquelme

Director Economic Crimes Practice

Joan Valentina Dueñas Riquelme is a lawyer from the Diego Portales University. She specializes in criminal litigation, mainly related to economic and tax law, and has extensive experience in defining oral litigation strategies.

Apart from practicing in criminal matters related to economic law, she is a professor of Criminal Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, Diego Portales University and professor at the Judicial Academy of Chile.

Representative Experience

  • She has been a Defender in the Public Criminal Defender's Office of Chile in charge of important judicial defenses of relevant cases of economic law in the country, such as the Penta Case.
  • She has participated in the most relevant cases of economic criminal law in our country, such as defenses of different State and Autonomous State Authorities, companies and their executives, referring to acts related to the economic administration of state resources. and business.
  • She has also participated as a defense attorney in cases related to tax crimes and has successfully filed corporate actions related to violations of economic legislation, misuse of industrial property and trademarks.

Professional Career

  • Public Criminal Defense Lawyer, from August 2013 to June 2018.
  • Lawyer at Brignardello Peña y Cía. From July 2018 to December 2023.
  • Partner at Cadiz legal, from January 2023 to June 2024.
  • Director Economic Crimes Practice at EDN Abogados, from July 2024 to date.

Practice Areas

  • Criminal law
  • Compliance


  • Graduate in Law, Diego Portales University (2009).
  • Master in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Diego Portales University (2011).
  • Diploma in Due Process in International Human Rights Law and its Reception in the Domestic Area, Diego Portales University (2015).
  • Specialization in Unfair Administration, Bribery between private parties and Modifications in Matters of Public Corruption, University of Chile (2019).


  • Member of the Council of graduates of the Diego Portales University (2013-2021).
  • Member of the Department of Procedural Law of the Diego Portales University (2024).


  • Spanish